Saturday, April 28, 2012

Recovering from being sick. No working out. I eat and lay around. And drink wine.  And read. And write. And now I'm watching movies, too.

Today, I've been eating Jamaican Spice Bun + cheese. So yummy!

Other than being confined to home, I'm pretty happy.

I'm 138.4 today - down 1.4 pounds from lat week (likely on account that I barely ate on Monday and have been mostly careful about calories since I stay in bed all day).

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Some how - most likely because I inhale food - my weight has steadily crept up over the past few years. I'm dedicated to getting it down.

So cutting calories will ensue. I exercise enough already - it is purely the eating that is the problem. I'm considering joining overeaters anonymous - and no, I'm not overweight or obese, but I'd like to curb this before it gets there.

Make no mistake about it - it's HARD.

Here's this nifty little thing to help (I was 139,.6 on this one, maybe):

Coupled with tons of discipline - which is like a muscle - you have to exercise it for it to grow. Yesterday, I learned a bit about discipline but there's so much room for improvement with the amount of food I eat.

I'm going to stick to a certain amount of calories (1200), even if it means packing my own lunches, cutting out alcohol, not dining out until I have the discipline to resist the bread/ onion ring/ french fries basket and the accompanying delectable sauces. I'm going to continue to exercise for 1 hour a day (when I'm not working) and honestly, when I do work, I move around so much that I don't really need to exercise. Nevertheless, I'm going to try to get in 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week while working. Weekends will require workouts.

I am determined to be again the nicely proportioned girl I've been for most of my life.

It's going to be hard, but I love nothing if not a challenge. I think.